Dear Friends,
Faith in Humanity is an independent local church in Rockland, Maine. We are open to all, and respect all religious and philosophical beliefs. What unites us is a faith in ourselves and others - a belief in our goodness and equal worth. With this faith we love each other, and seek that higher intelligence and better life that grows from community.
We have a mission to build a convent in Rockland. A convent is a kind of housing - a place of coming together. Our convent is to be a sanctuary, and a place of learning to share knowledge, ideas, and labor in a community of equals. It is intended as an evolving experiment in self-government and cooperative living.
The convent is to be gender neutral and open to all. We expect that most residents will be young people starting their careers, but some residents may be elders who serve as helpers and mentors. Residents will each have a modest cell furnished with a bed and a desk. Toilet facilities are in a shared bath area. Shopping is done in common; cooking and eating are done together in the common kitchen and dining area. Residents will live simply, will not have motor vehicles, and will connect with the Rockland community on foot, and face to face.
The maintenance of the convent, costs and labor, will be the shared responsibility of the residents. Some may contribute more by sharing their income from work in Rockland, others may help more with maintenance in the convent. The fair balance will be determined by the residents, who will also decide who is invited to join them, and who may be asked to leave. The trustees of the church have the final authority, but are committed to allowing the residents to govern themselves so that the convent will be a place for learning the wisdom and practice of successful community.
The Church of Faith in Humanity is incorporated in Maine as a non-profit independent local church. The trustees are Joe Steinberger, clerk, Ron Tesler, treasurer, Lance Lee, Terry Pinto, and Mia Bogyo.
We meet Wednesday evenings at 6 pm to advance our mission through convivial and constructive conversation. You are invited to join us at the WRFR studios, 20 Gay Street. Come when you can, you will be welcome.
If you are interested, please call or email for more information.
Joe Steinberger, clerk
596-0731 -
Enjoy your life, be good to people, seek win-win solutions, keep it simple.